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Here’s Why You Should Be Using Direct Mail to Attract Members

Nowadays, it’s hard to fathom life before the internet and social media, particularly for marketing purposes. But long before the web and smartphones, businesses had to reach their customers using billboards, radio ads, and even cold calling on the telephone. Today, things are a bit more complicated. While we have the ability to get to our customers much faster and retain data by tracking and targeting them using smart technology, unfortunately, that also means cyberspace is overcrowded with ad content and in-your-face marketing. So how does a gym cut through the clutter and get noticed? Well, there’s a reason why direct mail was so effective “back in the day” – it works! And, despite all the technology we have now, it still is one of the best, if not the best way to get in front of customers. In fact, dollar for dollar, it blows internet marketing out of the water every single time.

If you aren’t using direct mail marketing for your fitness facility, here are a few reasons that just may persuade you to start using a direct mail marketing company like LetterHUB to get your gym noticed.

Direct Marketing is Tangible
Facebook ads, banner ads, and sponsored ads are all over the internet. So much so that although they are in front of our face, we may see them with glazed eyes. You’ve probably seen it firsthand if you’ve ever placed a Facebook ad for your club. You may have gotten a dozen or so likes, but nothing more. As you know, most people check their postal mail every day. When they do, they sort through everything in their hands. Your brightly colored, high quality direct mail postcard will get noticed and may even land on the kitchen counter or office desk for another look.

Direct marketing is Efficient
If you’ve ever tried to buy advertising to promote your business you know just how expensive a billboard, radio ads, banner ad, social media ad, or native advertisement can be. Luckily, when you design a direct marketing campaign and invest in the overall appearance of the postcard (it represents your brand and business, after all), you’ll maximize efficiency. You only need to mail targeted customers in the neighborhood, and those who are most likely to respond to a special offer on your postcard.

Direct marketing is More Personal & Customizable
The possibilities are endless when it comes to customizing your gym’s direct mail campaigns. By personalizing your efforts, you’ll be sure to get the word out about your fitness facility while reaching the right people. Knowing characteristics such as age, workout habits, income range, and more, can help you customize your message. Customer data is key to talking to your customers directly, as individuals.

Direct marketing is EASY
While your competition is researching the most popular SEO keywords, your marketing will be done. Even better, direct marketing is trackable. Those offers you’re sending out for “one free hour of personal training” or “no enrollment fee” can include a specific code or link. That way, when someone calls the number on the postcard, you’ll know that your campaign is working. If one campaign yields better results than others, you’ll know what to do and how to tweak your campaigns accordingly.

Whether your fitness facility has been around for a decade, or just opening its doors, utilizing direct mail marketing is a reliable, effective, and easy way to get the word out about your gym. You’ll be reaching your ideal customers and members in one of the most cost-effective ways with the biggest ROI. Easily!